It was a sad day in America today as Ron Reagan Jr., the first son of beloved former President Ronald Reagan, has died in an automobile accident near San Francisco, California. He is survived by his wife, two sons, and many friends and family.

He was a staunch conservative and loved President Trump, even giving a speech at the RNC praising Trump’s achievements.

Reports from the scene of the crash seem to indicate that the wheel of Reagan’s Mercedes S Class fell off as he was accelerating to run a red light. Foul play is suspected in this incident as wheels don’t typically come off unless loosened with felonious intent.

This seems to be the case, as the Clinton Foundation is the prime suspect as they were in a heated legal battle over the naming rights for the title of “Best President in History.”

We all know that Reagan was the best, but Bill was adamant that only he could use the title.

We reached out to the California Highway Patrol spokesman, Joe Barron, for details about the accident:

“It was a terrible crash. It was actually one of the worst I’ve seen in my 20 years actually. We do suspect foul play in the matter as many witnesses are saying the wheel came off before the vehicle lost control.

We do believe we have a suspect as a Clinton Foundation van was also seen in the area the car was parked moments before the car departed on its fatal journey.”

The perpetrators of this crime need to be picked up immediately. Such acts of terror should never be allowed to happen to Republicans, only Democrats.

This is truly a tragedy and we wish the Reagan family the best in this trying time.


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