Richard Karn, who played the beloved character Al Borlan on TV’s Home Improvement, has passed away suddenly at his home in Deluth, Oklahoma. Karn, a lifelong Republican and staunch supporter of President Trump, was reportedly preparing for a reboot of the Tool Time franchise when he died.

According to sources close to the actor, Binford Tools was looking to re-capture the fame they earned in the 1990s as a leading manufacturer of American-made tools. They had offered Karn a lucrative contract to do a new version of the Home Improvement franchise, simply called “Tool Time,” as the star rather than the sidekick.

Binford Vice-President Art Tubolls told The American Conservative Chronicle that Karn’s death has hit the company hard:

“We were really hoping to increase our exposure and take over the power tool market from Asian companies like Motabo, Hitachi, and Craftsman. Even DeWalt is made in China now. We make our stuff right here in Sioux Falls, Kansas, and we were on the rise. Richard’s death puts a damper on that.”

Tim Allen has reportedly turned down any and all offers to replace Karn, stating that a move like that wouldn’t be great for his career:

“I’m the star. He was the sidekick. I liked Al, don’t get me wrong, but even when he came on Last Man Standing there was always some jealousy there. I don’t think taking that spot on that show would be good for me, my career, or Al’s legacy.”

Allen had to be reminded several times that Karn’s name was Richard, to which he grunted and said “To infinity and beyond!”

Godspeed Mr. Karn. We’ll miss you.


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