Michelle Duggar, Born Janet Tursmidgeon Michelle Gantronio, has passed away at the young age of 52. She died at home, surrounded by loved ones.

The local medical examiner says they don’t know anything as of yet, as the family hasn’t released her to them. Under Arkansas law, each member of the family is allowed 3 hours alone with the decedent, so it will be a few days before we know for sure.

Michelle is survived by her husband, Jim Bob, her 19 children, Josh, Jim, Jessa, James, Jinger, Jimbo, Joshy, Jameo, Jill, Jedebiah, Jebediah, Jediahlia, and Bill, and some others. And the adopted one makes 20. Wow that was harder than I thought it would be.

Donations to a worthy cause are asked to be sent directly to the family instead, as they have no royalty checks anymore and welfare caps lifetime payouts at 5 years. They’ve also asked for privacy in this time of dread, as their oldest brother awaits sentencing for being a typical famous Christian hypocrite and a pedophile.

The mainstream media is refusing to carry this story, because it comes from a satire network, so make sure you get the truth out there, patriots.

God bless America.


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