It’s a sad day in the world of comedy. Michael Richards, who played the infamous Kramer on Seinfeld for nearly 15 years, is gone.

Richards, a staunch Trump supporter and advocate for the 2nd Amendment, will always be remembered as the man who owned the libs at the Laugh Factory by going on a “racist” rant that caused them to have a little meltdown. While it virtually ended his career, Richards went on to be active in conservative politics.

In 2016, he campaigned for Ted Cruz before he made the move to Trump. He said that his desire to be able to call people the N-word without judgment in a comic environment was his main reason for backing him:

“Those liberals all wanted to clutch their pearls because I made a joke they didn’t like. So I decided I’d join team Trump and make them cry some more.”

Richards will be sorely missed by his friends and fans. Both of the people who still followed him on Instagram say they’re devastated:

“We’re devastated.”

Jerry Seinfeld, who has also been scrutinized by liberals for turning into an insensitive hack, says he’ll miss Richards with every fiber of his being:

“He was a great friend and an even greater actor. It’s a shame he couldn’t ever cut it as anything but Kramer or a stand-up bigot. If people would have given him a shot, he might have landed another great supporting role before he ultimately went batty and spouted more racist nonsense.

“He definitely deserved more time in the spotlight.”

Sadly, since he’s dead, he won’t get that chance.

Go with God, Cosmo. We’ll miss you.


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