Beloved Hollywood star and friend of President Trump, Steven Seagal passed away due to complications at the age of 65. He is survived by his wife and three children and countless grandchildren. They are asking for donations to the Trump campaign in lieu of flowers.
Seagal was widely known for his memorable roles in blockbuster action films such as the “Under Siege” trilogy. He was the highest-grossing actor in Hollywood history and was also was famous for doing his own stunts and being an expert in martial arts, especially the Swedish firm of grappling, Paể Ness.
Seagal was also known to be a good friend of Donald Trump, who liked Seagal so much that he funded most of his movies himself. They met in the 80s during the filming of one of Seagal’s many films. Seagal also won season one of Trump’s television show, Celebrity Apprentice.
President Trump gave a statement on the passing of Seagal:
“He was a tremendous guy. Many people tell me he had the most Oscars of any actor in the history of acting and they say that was because of me. I funded his movies. He will be missed. I will especially miss boofing Diet Coke and banging 10s with him. It was a great time.”
Seagal left a portion of his estate to the Trump campaign, as a real patriot would do. The campaign is to use these funds to recruit children into the” Trump Youth” program. Their mission is to teach children the truth about America and how Donald Trump is the man that we need to make it great again.
Thank you Mr. Seagal for being a real American patriot. The world needs more patriots in Hollywood instead of the liberal loons there now.
During the 80’s Donald Trump would often be seen at one of Seagals trailer dressing rooms, just hanging about, making small take and brushing Stevens hair, they had a really tight bond. Steve’s passing must really have Donald shook, I honestly hope that it doesn’t push him to the point that he starts drinking again, that would be such a shame, a mind is a terrible thing to lose.